Dog & Puppy Training Classes - SIRIUS Montclair

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Montclair Recreation Center
6300 Moraga Ave
Oakland, CA 94611

Google directions may send you behind the Rec Center, but the main entrance is off of Moraga Ave.

Our Oakland location requires proof of vaccination. We respectfully request that you come to class prepared to comply with facility protocols for the comfort and safety for all.

Classes at this location

  • Puppy Kindergarten $249 5 sessions; Pups 8-12 weeks
  • Puppy I $249 5 sessions; Pups 12-18 weeks
  • Puppy II 249 5 sessions; Pups 8 months or less
    Prerequisite: PUPPY I (R)
  • Dog I $249 5 sessions; Dogs 18 weeks or older

Trainers at this location