Dog & Puppy Training Classes - SIRIUS Palo Alto

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Palo Alto

Cubberley Community Center
4000 Middlefield Road - Rm. U-7(Weekday), Rm. H-6(Saturday)
Palo Alto, CA 94306

The class is held at the Cubberley Community Center, 4000 Middlefield Rd, in room U-7 (Monday & Tuesday), H-6 (Saturday). Look for the "North Entrance" sign on Middlefield. For a map of the complex showing where the exact room is, please visit our Palo Alto Location page:

Directions to the Center:

Cubberley Community Center Map

Classes at this location

  • Dog I $249 5 sessions; over 18 weeks
  • Puppy Kindergarten $249 5 sessions; Pups 8-12 weeks
  • Puppy I $249 5 sessions; Pups 12-18 weeks
  • Puppy II 249 5 sessions; Pups 8 months or less
    Prerequisite: PUPPY I (R)
  • Dog I $249 5 sessions; Dogs 18 weeks or older

Trainers at this location